MiniWinWM Quick Start Guide
First of all, download and install STM32CubeIDE. This is used to build the embedded STM32F4 examples and the Windows/Linux simulations.
While that's downloading get an order in for the recommended development board. ST's part number is STM32F429I-DISC1. You can get it from here...
Now start STM32CubeIDE. If it's the first time you've run it you will be asked for a location of your workspace. Create a folder where you want your work to be and choose it in the dialog. Click OK.
Now get the MiniWin source. Go to the Download section on the main MiniWin page and click the link to Github. Click on the Source code (zip) link and kick off the download.
Extract to the workspace folder you chose in the previous step.
When the extraction is complete go back to STM32CubeIDE. Choose 'File|Import'. In the dialog expand 'General' and choose 'Existing Projects into Workspace'. Click 'Next >'.
In the next dialog click 'Select root directory' and click 'Browse...'. Choose your workspace folder. After a few moments you will see all the projects listed in the 'Projects' box. Click them all, apart from the Linux ones if you are on Windows or the Windows ones if you are on Linux. Click 'Finish'.
You will now have all of the projects in STM32CubeIDE and they should look like this in the Project Explorer tab...
You can now build them all. Choose a Windows or Linux variant project and start debugging. When the debugger stops in main, move the simulation window that has popped up so that it is not covered by the STM32CubeIDE window, then hit go. You have your first MiniWin simulation running.
To see how to set up a simple project yourself see the appropriate section in the documentation. It gives a step-by-step guide on how to create your own MiniWin project with your own controls and dialogs.